Bad breath treatment

Bad breath treatment

You may have experienced the situation before. Your conversation partner is actually very likeable, but his breath – to run away. The problem is by no means rare, we are talking about the taboo topic of bad breath. (Technical term: halitosis or halitosis)

Bad breath is not only a nuisance for the nose of the other person; bad breath is above all an alarm signal.

The cause of bad breath is about 80-90 percent in the area of the oral cavity.Causes are usually bacteria that can be located in the back of the tongue, between the teeth, in the gingival pockets or under filling edges. Bacterial growth is favored by a dry mouth, as it occurs, for example, in stressful situations but also during snoring or mouth breathing.

Is it possible to measure bad breath?

Yes, with a so-called halimeter. It can be used to measure the concentration of certain sulfur compounds, which are mainly produced by bad breath. Depending on the degree of bad breath, the further procedure is discussed. In most cases, professional tooth cleaning and/or gum treatment (term: periodontal treatment) will be useful. Likewise, tongue cleaning can be useful.

further information about bad breath treatment
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